Girl Who Shaved Her Head


Purvai initially did it “to see if she had the balls to do it”, but later found out why she had really done it. After shaving her head, she found herself feeling “absurdly comfortable”, but also realized that she doesn’t like the idea of gender markers on her body.

Purvai got her heads shaved at the barber shop with one or both parents. She was less emotional at the time of the big Change.

It can be hard to deal with all the stares and apparent judgement, so I asked them how they dealt with it. “Well, I kind of got used to it,” said Purvai. “Now it seems like a part of me, so how people react to my baldness is, well, how they’re reacting to me. I’ve never been too deeply offended or hurt by anything anyone has ever said about my baldness. I’m really comfortable with it now. It’s like…me being short or having small breasts or whatever. Basically I’m not going to apologise for it, which is great.”

She has been bald/close-cropped for 2 years, but is considering growing out her hair now.


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